亀戸アートセンター ( KAC )

2018年にオープンした、絵描きの石部巧、石部奈々美 a.k.a.chappy が運営しているカフェスタンドが併設されたオルタナティブなアートギャラリー。企画展を中心にシルクスクリーンプリント、ワークショップ、トークショーなどさまざまなイベントを開催しています。

Kameido Art Center ( KAC )

Opened in 2018, this alternative art gallery with a cafe stand is run by painters Takuma Ishibe and Nanami Ishibe a.k.a. chappy. The gallery hosts a variety of events, including silkscreen prints, workshops, and talk shows, as well as special exhibitions.

■ 期間限定シルクスクリーンプリント



Silkscreen prints for a limited time

During the exhibition, the artist's designs will be printed on T-shirts, shirts, bags, and other fabrics (100% cotton) on the spot.Print designs, colors, sizes, and prices will be announced on the website and SNS as soon as they are finalized.

Plain T-shirts (800 yen) and cloth bags (from 200 yen) are also available.